117 #define SCI_MODE 0x00 125 #define SCI_STATUS 0x01 134 #define SCI_BASS 0x02 141 #define SCI_CLOCKF 0x03 155 #define SCI_DECODE_TIME 0x04 166 #define SCI_AUDATA 0x05 178 #define SCI_WRAM 0x06 186 #define SCI_WRAMADDR 0x07 199 #define SCI_HDAT0 0x08 211 #define SCI_HDAT1 0x09 223 #define SCI_AIADDR 0x0A 245 #define SCI_AICTRL0 0x0C 253 #define SCI_AICTRL1 0x0D 261 #define SCI_AICTRL2 0x0E 269 #define SCI_AICTRL3 0x0F 287 #define SM_DIFF 0x0001 296 #define SM_LAYER12 0x0002 303 #define SM_RESET 0x0004 313 #define SM_CANCEL 0x0008 324 #define SM_EARSPEAKER_LO 0x0010 335 #define SM_TESTS 0x0020 342 #define SM_STREAM 0x0040 354 #define SM_EARSPEAKER_HI 0x0080 362 #define SM_DACT 0x0100 373 #define SM_SDIORD 0x0200 383 #define SM_SDISHARE 0x0400 393 #define SM_SDINEW 0x0800 401 #define SM_ADPCM 0x1000 413 #define SM_PAUSE 0x2000 // note: Only availble with patch. This only quickly pauses the VS's internal buffer, when canceling quickly. It won't unpause. 423 #define SM_LINE1 0x4000 432 #define SM_CLK_RANGE 0x8000 446 #define VS_LINE1_MODE 468 #define SS_VU_ENABLE 0x0200 489 #define para_chipID_0 0x1E00 500 #define para_chipID_1 0x1E01 510 #define para_version 0x1E02 522 #define para_config1 0x1E03 532 #define para_playSpeed 0x1E04 546 #define para_byteRate 0x1E05 561 #define para_endFillByte 0x1E06 575 #define para_MonoOutput 0x1E09 589 #define para_positionMsec_0 0x1E27 602 #define para_positionMsec_1 0x1E28 614 #define para_resync 0x1E29 637 #define TRACK_TITLE 3 646 #define TRACK_ARTIST 33 655 #define TRACK_ALBUM 63 693 uint8_t
char*, uint32_t timecode = 0);
699 uint8_t
void setEarSpeaker(uint16_t)
Set the current Spatial EarSpeaker setting of the VS10xx chip.
uint16_t memoryTest()
Perform Memory Test.
uint8_t VolL
contains a local value of the VSdsp's master volume left channels
uint8_t playTrack(uint8_t)
Begin playing a mp3 file, just with a number.
uint8_t bitrate
contains a local value of the beleived current bit-rate.
uint16_t word
whole word value
state_m getState()
Get the current state of the device.
void trackArtist(char *)
Get Track's Artist.
uint8_t getDifferentialOutput()
Get the current SM_DIFF setting from the VS10xx chip.
void SendSingleMIDInote()
Play hardcoded MIDI file.
struct vs1053::sci_bass_m::@0 nibble
individual Nibbles
static state_m playing_state
Boolean flag indicating if filehandle is streaming.
void setBassAmplitude(uint8_t)
Set the current Bass Boost amplitude in VS10xx chip.
static void available()
Public interface of refill.
uint8_t skip(int32_t)
Skips to a duration in the track.
void setBassFrequency(uint16_t)
Set the current Bass Boost Frequency limit cutoff in VS10xx chip.
void getTrackInfo(uint8_t, char *)
Fetch ID3 Tag information.
void setMonoMode(uint16_t)
Set the current Stereo/Mono setting of the VS10xx output.
uint16_t word
whole word value
uint16_t getTrebleFrequency()
Get the current Treble Frequency limit from the VS10xx chip.
uint16_t getVolume()
Get the current volume from the VS10xx chip.
static void disableRefill()
Disable the Interrupts for refill.
static uint16_t Mp3ReadWRAM(uint16_t)
Read a VS10xx WRAM Location.
How to flush the VSdsp's buffer.
int8_t setVUmeter(int8_t)
enable VSdsp VU Meter
void setTrebleAmplitude(int8_t)
Set the current Treble Amplitude in VS10xx chip.
uint8_t vs_init()
Initialize the VS10xx Audio Decoder Chip.
uint8_t skipTo(uint32_t)
Skips to a certain point in the track.
int16_t getVUlevel()
get current measured VU Meter
uint16_t getPlaySpeed()
Get the current playSpeed from the VS10xx chip.
uint32_t currentPosition()
Current timecode in ms.
uint8_t enableTestSineWave(uint8_t)
Generate Test Sine wave.
void setPlaySpeed(uint16_t)
Set the current playSpeed of the VS10xx chip.
static void dcs_high()
Deselect Data Channel.
void setBitRate(uint16_t)
Force bit rate.
static void dcs_low()
Select Data Channel.
uint32_t start_of_music
contains a filehandles offset to the begining of the current file.
int8_t getVUmeter()
get the status of the VSdsp VU Meter
State of the vs1053 device.
static uint16_t spi_Read_Rate
Rate of the SPI to be used with communicating to the VSdsp.
static void spiInit()
Initialize the SPI for VS10xx use.
void resumeDataStream()
Unpause streaming data to the VSdsp.
void getBitRateFromMP3File(char *)
Read the Bit-Rate from the current track's filehandle.
uint8_t VSLoadUserCode(char *)
load VS1xxx with patch or plugin from file on SDcard.
static uint16_t Mp3ReadRegister(uint8_t)
Read a VS10xx register.
bool isFnMusic(char *)
is the filename music
uint8_t VolR
contains a local value of the VSdsp's master volume Right channels
uint8_t isPlaying()
Inidicate if a song is playing?
uint8_t disableTestSineWave()
Disable Test Sine wave.
static void cs_low()
Select Control Channel.
void pauseDataStream()
Pause streaming data to the VSdsp.
static uint8_t mp3DataBuffer[32]
Buffer for moving data between Filehandle and VSdsp.
Flush both First and After.
void ADMixerVol(int8_t)
Set ADMixer's attenuation of input to between -3 and -31 dB otherwise disable.
static void enableRefill()
Enable the Interrupts for refill.
void setTrebleFrequency(uint16_t)
Set the current treble frequency limit in VS10xx chip.
uint16_t getMonoMode()
Get the current Stereo/Mono setting of the VS10xx output.
void end()
Disables the MP3 Player shield.
void getAudioInfo()
Display various Audio information from the VSdsp.
bool resumeMusic()
Resume music from where it was paused.
static void Mp3WriteWRAM(uint16_t, uint16_t)
Write a VS10xx WRAM Location.
Interface Driver to the VS10xx chip on the SPI.
static void cs_high()
Deselect Control Channel.
static void flush_cancel(flush_m)
flush the VSdsp buffer and cancel
int8_t getTrebleAmplitude()
Get the current Treble Amplitude from the VS10xx chip.
A handler for accessing bytes of a word.
void trackTitle(char *)
Get Track's Title.
static SdFile track
Initializer for the instance of the SdCard's static member.
uint8_t playMP3(char *, uint32_t timecode=0)
Begin playing a mp3 file by its filename.
static uint16_t spi_Write_Rate
uint8_t getEarSpeaker()
Get the current Spatial EarSpeaker setting from the VS10xx chip.
void trackAlbum(char *)
Get Track's Album.
static void Mp3WriteRegister(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t)
Write a value a VSDsp's register.
void pauseMusic()
Pause music.
uint8_t ADMixerLoad(char *)
Initially load ADMixer patch and configure line/mic mode.
void setVolume(uint8_t, uint8_t)
Store and Push member volume to VS10xx chip.
static void refill()
Refill the VS10xx buffer with new data.
void stopTrack()
Gracefully close track and cancel refill.
int8_t getBassAmplitude()
Get the current Bass boost amplitude from the VS10xx chip.
uint8_t begin()
Initialize the MP3 Player shield.
uint16_t getBassFrequency()
Get the current Bass Frequency limit from the VS10xx chip.
A handler for accessing nibbles of the SCI_BASS word.
char * strip_nonalpha_inplace(char *s)
chomp non printable characters out of string.
void setDifferentialOutput(uint16_t)
Set the current SM_DIFF setting of the VS10xx chip.